SEO or search engine optimization is a very common term which you must have heard somewhere or the other. In the most basic terms, you can understand. This in a way that suppose you have your website hosted on the internet. Now how do you make sure that people use it and go through it? Will it be of any use for you or anyone else if it not recognized by anyone around?
Search Engine Optimization
Well, you know the answer very likely. In order to save you from that situation there are SEO tools which you can implement so that your website gains a better visibility and comes among the top search results of the Google page. Out of various ways SEO can work one of the ways which influences it is the site maps.
You can think in a way that if website is an entire house. Then the site maps are the individual rooms of the house. Which in turn means the web pages. Whenever you try to search something over the internet. Google crawls through all the web pages first. The most relevant ones with your query listed on the top of the search results. While the least relevant ones in the bottom.
Types of Sitemaps
Talking of the site maps, they are of generally two types.HTML and XML where XML refers to very unique structure. Unique is in a way that the end user will not get to know anything. About the algorithm running but the it will inform the search engine of the web pages and the selective content.
Another advantage of using sitemaps is that it makes the websites look more user-friendly and increase the navigation capabilities. All the inter links and different sections of the website seen in one page.
If the question arises in your mind that what exactly sitemaps do which cannot be just done by simple SEO tools. The fact, the search engine first of all try of search for all the Meta tags and .txt files which relevant to the query raised.
Now because of sitemaps and using HTML tags, the entire website can crawled in on go and there most chances of getting the website searched better and ranked first which increases the visibility of the website to a huge extent.
Sitemap XML
XML sitemaps on the other hand makes sure that the website ranked correctly in the search engine result page. It is very important as it does not matter how beneficial and excellent is your website. Unless there are visitors looking at it.
The reason why Google provides a very simple mechanism to submit your sitemaps after they are built. Therefore, now you can understand. That there is a long way to go to publicize what you do and you need to be well aware of the truth. That it is not any more the race of insight yet presently it is significantly more about how shrewd choices you take for yourself. Only with a proper planning and keeping everything in the sync can help you achieve the best results in your professional life.
Hence, you must remember SEO tools must to incorporated. While building up your website but to step up and sound better. You must include the use of sitemaps and reap its great benefits.