Google and Facebook are the two widely popular names which every generation in today’s era is well aware of. These platforms apart from being the best search engine, and social media network provider with many other opportunities to expand your business by allowing to post ads through them. Both platforms work on a paid basis using the pay per click algorithm. Each one offers a connection with tons of people all around the globe. Now the question is how you are going to decide where to invest your money as choosing between the two is tough decision-making time.
The best way to decide is to first understand what your business requirement is and what kind of customers you need to target. Once you are clear with this idea you will be in a pretty fair position to choose where to make your investment. Google ads work on the concept of paid search where a target word is searched instead of a targeted audience. But Google ads offer exclusive features where ads can be used for advertisements on YouTube, Google maps, Google Play, and Google display network. In contrast, Facebook works on social advertisement using Instagram, a Facebook news feed, audience network, and Facebook messenger.
The best deal is to keep your checklist handy. First of all, generate a complete analysis report, of your custom size as both Google, and Facebook have an enormous reach to the audience. Google handles around 3.5 billion searches whereas Facebook accounts for almost 1.5 billion active users every single day. Now it is possible that your target audience is present in both. Then you need to make a choice accordingly if the product
you want to advertise about is commonly searched or not. If it is a new innovation you mostly need to Facebook as your prior option in focus. The next important factor which you should keep proper analysis is your investment plan on ads. Google is mostly very expensive along with the insurance added costs whereas Facebook qualifies for cheaper advertisement goals. Another thing to keep in mind is the buyers’ intent.
Suppose a person wants to buy a new sofa set for his drawing room. What do you think would be his plan of action? He will surely search for the best furniture showrooms on google, rather than remembering some Facebook ads which he saw once. So, basically, if your advertisement is about branded awareness, Facebook will always be the better option, but Google ads will work best for you otherwise.
Next comes is which one best segregates your audience required. Both Google and Facebook provide you with the facility of targeting a particular set of people, but in case of Facebook, it helps in very fine segregation of your audiences like if you wish to target college students or school students of a particular age group or job seekers or teenagers who prefer eating Chinese.
Last but not least comes the ads format. Facebook allows you to include various actions items like; images, videos, and sound features to make your ads look more interesting and fascinating for the users. However, again, it matters about the objective of your campaign. If your campaign is about branded awareness and enduring public loyalty, Facebook will be the best thing to opt for.
Therefore, it is indeed good to first understand your goals and then decide upon what fits the best for your type of business whether it is Google AdWords for Facebook Ads.